Hi friends! I love reading new books and I love writing reviews, but just to make everyone’s life a little easier, here’s my review policy. Read through what I will review. If your book qualifies, shoot me an email at domesticfangirl (at) gmail (dot) com so we can discuss it!

I only accept printed book’s. Sorry guys, I hate reading on e-readers and it takes me forever to get through books if I don’t have a hard copy.

I do not guarantee a length of my review. All books I read will receive a rating on Goodreads and at least a couple sentences on my review there. The more your book makes me feel, the more length you will get. In general, most books I review will get their own review on my page, but this is not a guarantee. At this point, my life is calm enough that the majority of the books I read get a review, but I do get busy. If you want to make sure your book is featured on my blog we can talk via email. If you make getting your book to me a priority,  I want to make it a priority.

I do guarantee I will finish the book and post in two weeks. If I get busier, this may change, but again, you make getting me a copy of your book a priority, and I will make it mine.

What I prefer to review:

YA is my bread and butter. I’m also fine to try new adult, middle grade, and manga.

Case-by-case basis:

Self-published and Indie I love you guys! You are fighting an uphill battle and I know you can do it! Send me a synopsis and I’ll let you know. Same with romance, literary fiction, picture books, and nonfiction.

The line in the sand:

I will not review horror. Just not my cup of tea.